After eighteen months of gathering information, selling belongings, adding every penny we could to our savings, etc, etc, we are about to have our last night in Britain for a year.
We have spent today doing last minute shopping, some last minute throwing-away of stuff that we really don't need or have room for in the camper, and also getting said camper through its MoT. The camper still has eight months left on its last MoT, but there is a risk that the insurance won't be valid if we have an accident after it runs out, and we also want to be legally on the road for the first day or so back in Britain this time next year. The only problem is that the horn doesn't work, and doesn't want to be fixed. But finally, at 5pm, we are given the necessary certificate.
Now we are in campsite not far from Harwich, ready for the sailing to Hook of Holland tomorrow. The weather is not very inviting - cold, grey and wet - so we are ready for an early night.
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